Parkinson's Boxing Featured in the Buffalo News - Taking the Fight to Parkinson's
We were pleased to be featured in a Buffalo News article this past week. This article highlights our progress in the fight against Parkinson's and also our new ability to have Independent Health help pay for the cost of our treatment. Here is an excerpt from the article:
"Quinn is one of about 100 clients who train at Parkinson’s Boxing, which is owned by Dean Eoannou, a 65-year-old former Ford plant shift manager and longtime boxing trainer. The results achieved by Eoannou and his staff over the last four years are stark: Clients who could barely stand are now walking on their own. Many have dramatically reduced their daily pill consumption. An octogenarian just signed up for a 5K race.

The results of the program four years later are impressive enough that a major Western New York health insurer just agreed to cover it.
“I tell folks regularly, ‘You never know where the next great idea is going to come from,’ ” said Dr. Michael Cropp, CEO of Independent Health.
When Cropp says that, he’s usually referring to medical people doing “exciting and innovative things.” That could be a doctor, pharmacist, physical therapist or chiropractor thinking outside the box.
He’s not typically thinking of someone like Eoannou." Read the rest of the article on the Buffalo News by clicking here.